Weight Loss Clinics Google Ads Case Study

Weight loss clinics gain big from Google Ads

Health & Wellness

A chain of weight loss clinics needed a better return from their six-figure per month Google Ads budget. Their account was complex with many different campaigns and service offerings. Working closely with our agency client, we rallied our troops, dove in, and started optimizing.

Challenge :

  • The client was concerned that their large Google Ads budget wasn’t being optimized well.
  • High conversion costs were negatively affecting the client’s bottom line.
  • Lack of transparency into the data made it difficult for the client to have a handle on how their advertising dollars were being spent.

Our Solution :

  • We restructured much of the campaign to allow for a more organized and efficient optimization process.
  • A very transparent reporting dashboard was produced for the client to give them access to their data 24/7.
  • We quickly identified areas of significant waste within the account, and modified the various campaigns to focus on conversions. 

The Outcome :

  • Year-over-year, conversions were up 210%.
  • Average cost / conversion dropped 59%
  • Conversion rate increased 286%

Google Ads Case Study

  • Weight Loss Clinics

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