Plumber Google Ads Case Study

Plumber finds more leaks from Google Ads


Residential plumbing is a very competitive business. As a result, the cost to advertise on Google is often very expensive, and it is all too easy to spend thousands on advertising and get very little in return.

One of our agency partners asked us to take over the Google Ads management for one of their plumbing clients. The client was getting decent results from Google Ads, but he felt the campaign had the potential to produce a better ROI. He was right.

Challenge :

  • Generate more leads with a modest budget for a high-cost industry.
  • The focus was limited to a very tight geographic area.

Our Solution :

  • We built out more ad groups with highly relevant keyword themes.
  • Our team utilized strategies that would allow us to better optimize for conversions.
  • Our specialists created an RLSA campaign to hyper-target past website visitors who didn’t previous convert.

Campaign Results :

Although the client ended up spending 59% more year-over-year, the results far outpaced the increase in spend. 


  • Conversions up 111%
  • Cost / Conv. down 25%
  • Impressions up 251%
  • Clicks up 138%

Google Ads Case Study

  • Plumber

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