Family Law Attorney Google Ads Case Study

Family law practice grows from Google Ads


Running legal ads on Google is very expensive, so it’s important, especially for a smaller law firm, that every dollar spent on Google Ads counts. One of our agency clients reached to us regarding one of their clients who ran a small family law practice. The attorney was one of their longtime clients, and they had been running ads for him for years. While the campaign had been successful, it was in need of fresh eyes and a fresh strategy. We were happy to help.

After learning a bit more about the law firm, and taking some time to carefully examine the historical campaign data, our team rolled up our sleeves and began to optimize with the goal of increasing conversions without increasing spend. The hard work paid off. After managing the campaign for a year, the client was so pleased that he nearly doubled his monthly budget.

Challenge :

  • The average cost per lead from Google Ads was too high.
  • Leads needed to be of higher quality.
  • The client was looking for a new strategy.

Our Solution :

  • An RLSA campaign was created which allowed search ads to be shown exclusively to past site visitors who hadn’t converted.
  • The existing search campaign got an overhaul.
  • New responsive search ads were created for each ad group.
  • Additional demographic targets were put in place to help improve lead quality.

Year-Over-Year Results :

  • Ad spend dropped 3%.
  • Leads increased 330%.
  • Cost / conv. dropped 77%.
  • Conversion rate increased 32%.

Google Ads Case Study

  • Family Law Attorney

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