Disability Attorney Google Ads Case Study

Attorney grows his practice from Google Ads


We got an email from one of our agency clients requesting help with a disability-attorney client of theirs who was seeing a diminishing number of leads coming from more traditional forms of advertising. The attorney needed his phone to ring more.

After meeting with the attorney, it was clear that there was an opportunity to drive leads from Google Ads even with a modest budget. The attorney agreed to give Google Ads to try, and he’s very glad he did.

Challenge :

  • Attorney reported a decrease in lead volume from traditional forms of advertising.
  • There was difficulty keeping staff busy full time.
  • Client only had a modest advertising budget.

Our Solution :

  • We built a geo-targeted campaign focusing on high-intent searches.
  • The campaign was optimized to drive calls.
  • Our team utilized a narrow list of keywords with exact match type.
  • Our specialists structured the campaign to hone in on specific demographic targeting.

Campaign Results :

  • Clicks were generated for under $4.
  • $21 has been the average cost / call.
  • The client noticed an uptick in business within the first few months.
  • The client decided to stay with Google Ads for the long-term.

Google Ads Case Study

  • Disability Attorney

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