Dentist Google Ads Case Study

Dental clinic gains more patients from PPC ads


One of our agency partners needed help. They had a longstanding dentist client who had been running Google Ads for some time with lackluster results. The dentist reported new patients but not enough to justify the cost of advertising.

The agency and the dentist knew that Google Ads was an important part of driving new patients, but the practice simply needed to drive more patients, specifically new patients with emergency dental needs, without increasing their budget.

Challenge :

  • Drive more qualified leads without increasing the monthly budget.
  • Drive conversions from people who have an emergency dental need.
  • Produce noticeable campaign improvements within 60 days.

Our Solution :

  • We implemented CallRail to allow for comprehensive conversion tracking.
  • Our team fine tuned the campaign in any way possible to filter in only people who had a dental emergency.
  • Our specialists communicated regularly with the dental clinic to determine lead to qualified lead ratio.

Campaign Results :

After several months of hard work, a two-week over two-week analysis showed the following:


  • Conversions up 22%.
  • Cost / Conv. down 26%.
  • Total cost down 10%.

Google Ads Case Study

  • Dentist

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