Chiropractor Google Ads Case Study

Chiropractor uses PPC to rise above competition


As chiropractic care becomes more competitive, it can be difficult, even for veteran chiropractors, to stay competitive and continue to draw in new patients.

Our team was hired by one of our agency partners to assist with the Google Ads management for a chiropractor client of theirs.

The goal was two-fold: continue to bring in new patients, in general, and drive more major medical patients from Google Ads.

Challenge :

  • The client specifically wanted more patients with major medical needs.
  • Drive a high volume of leads with a relatively limited budget in a highly competitive market.

Our Solution :

  • We conducted a full analysis of the campaign to better target the right audience in order to drive down the average cost / conversion.
  • We worked closely with the doctor, and his staff, to understand how many leads were converting to new patients and determine the revenue associated with those new patients.
  • Our team identified ways to specifically target individuals with major medical needs.

Campaign Results :

  • The campaign consistently drove 85 new patients per month.
  • The doctor reported a high number of new patients having a major medical need.
  • Although the clinic was unable to determine a specific revenue amount tied to Google Ads, the doctor has continued to be very pleased with the results.

Google Ads Case Study

  • Chiropractor

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